
Showing posts from May, 2020

Why is Minneapolis burning?

I was fairly reluctant to write about this because I am white, 36 years old, and a redneck. I also tend to support police 9 out of 10 times and am a libertarian. All that being said, George Floyd was murdered. No ifs, ands, or buts about it. The idea for this blog came after I heard third or fourth hand that Minneapolis had one of the most corrupt police forces in the country. That statement intrigued me so I went to Google and holy shit.  This link  is an article about the history of the MPD. I pulled some info from this article and some from other sources to compile the following list about the recent history of the MPD.  Fong Lee, 2006 Fong Lee was shot 8 times while fleeing police. The officer involved was awarded a Medal of Valor while the family claimed the gun was planted. This is the most tame of all the cases I'm going to cover and still kinda smells. If it was an isolated incident I wouldn't even blink but, in the context of the larger picture, seems a little fi...

A strange hill to die on.

So the big news today is President Trump vs. Twitter. It all started when President Trump tweeted about mail in voter fraud and Twitter fact checked the tweet as false. It centers around  CDA 230  which basically defines the difference between a provider and publisher in regards to "interactive internet platforms" or some legalese along those lines. In layman's terms, it says a platform can't be sued for defamation, slander, or libel because they are providing a service and not responsible for the content on their site. ( This link  explains defamation, slander, and libel.) President Trump has taken the position that Twitter is now a publisher and does not enjoy the same immunity as platforms. Okay, there is the boring background with some links, now the fun part. Why didn't someone in the West Wing step up and say "Excuse me, Mr. President, this is not a hill worth dieing on." This is not a fight he is going to win. The hard and middle left will oppose ...

Flattening the curve...

So, I'm just kinda doing a part B to my previous post because the more I thought about it, the more I became irritated about it. The CNN article I referenced is the first news article in weeks I have seen, from either side, that referenced flattening the curve. I thought this was the big goal? (Side note: good job everybody, again.) All we heard about for weeks from every talking head from Glenn Beck to Wolf Blitzer was saying we need to flatten the curve and we did it. And then? Crickets. Absolute crickets. Fox went off on the was this even necessary kick, CNN went off on the anti-Trump/stay shut down kick and the curve, which had been the most important thing to happen in America since 1918, disappeared. This is why the news is such a joke. The complete lack of coverage is why you have Dave Portnoy, with all of his 5 billion stoolies or whatever the number is, screaming about moving goalposts and getting heard. This is one of the reasons why you have Bill Gates conspiracy theorie...

No one knows shit about fuck. Pt 5.

Welcome back to part 5 of the series that I thought I was done with but our lovely internet and news media geniuses have risen from the ashes once again and blessed us with great content. First off, this lovely meme that has been circulating the internet in various forms. Here is an example, The reason that both masks and social distancing are both reccomended is because no one knows what works. We have better ideas than we did a month ago when I wrote part 4 of thos series, but we still don't know. We can see from the chart I shared yesterday that these measures are helping but no one knows what works and what doesn't for sure. The businesses closed is because large groups of people in one place, regardless of the average IQ of the group, are stupid. Need proof? Walk through a college tailgate lot or watch the stands at a Carver Hawkeye basketball game. That being said, more things need to be open with restrictions because it is not a joke that the economy has the potential to...

Good job everybody!!!

Hey everybody, I know this probably isn't the best picture due to my tech guy still looking for an intern, but this looks like a curve that was flattened. I know the news is focusing on either the death toll or the fact that the government is taking away all our rights so no one is talking about this, so I'm going to. I'm just going to take a minute to tell everyone good job. The majority of us listened and took a common sense approach to our personal health and safety and the curve has been flattened. The hospitals have not been overwhelmed and we are nowhere near the 2.2 million dead the models originally called for. We are doing a good job. I just wanted to take a break from the fear mongering and depressing news to recognize that we are doing a good job and we are going to be ok. That being said, don't lose sight of the goal now because the Hawks are starting practice next month and we can't ruin that. So be safe, wash your hands, listen to the CDC, and most imp...

Bill Gates started the coronavirus!!!

The internet strikes again with the latest conspiracy theory that Bill Gates started the coronavirus and is going to use it to get rich and further his primary goal of controlling global population. Forbes has a good article about it  here . Apparently Jeff Bezos is in on it too. Their motive? Money. The two richest guys in the world cooked the whole pandemic up so they could have more money. One quick note, I really dislike stuff being called untrue just because it's a conspiracy theory. Some of them are true but this is not one of them. This stuff is so far out it doesn't even deserve to be called a theory. To have a solid theory you need at least some facts to start with. For example, the ballistics report from the assasination of JFK was not consistent with a single untrained shooter so there was a second gunman. This theory starts with a fact and then posts a theory based on this fact. The Bill Gates/Jeff Bezos "theory" is based on made up shit. Bill Gates doesn...

Random thoughts for MDW

Production has been down lately due to multiple projects and a full time job, but expect 10 a week again starting Tuesday. Also, if y'all are enjoying this hit the follow button. Today is a just a few random thoughts going into the weekend. First, if your in an area that isn't having a Memorial Day service consider listening to the first 15 mins or so of  this podcast . Just 3 veterans remembering why this is a holiday and the sacrifices made. Well worth the time. Second, apparently if your black you have to vote for Biden or you lose your blackness. Not sure where ol' Joe was going with this one but it's a bad look. Third, the coronavirus is not a plot by Jeff Bezos/Bill Gates to take over the world. I will probably go more in depth on this next week, but it's not. Are there people using this situation to profit? Yes. Is there some shady shit going on? Yes. Are we being lied to by people in the government and media? Most likely yes. Scratch that, yes. Are the numbe...

Good news about sports.... and bad

The NCAA has finally done some thing smart. They announced that college football and basketball teams can resume on campus activities on June 1st. This is huge. We are going to have football folks as long as the y'all don't watch the news and listen to the CDC. I have been floating along all afternoon, happier than a pig in shit, and then the MLB owners shot my mood in the head.  Click here  for the full story. To summarize, the owners laid down the law and told the players to either renegotiate their deal from March or they just won't play until large gatherings are allowed. What a power move by the owners. This is shots fired. I don't really remember much about the last strike, but I feel like this is another one coming. This really feels like a move by the owners to try and get public opinion on their side. The owners are technically correct because the March deal was negotiated with the belief that fans would be able to attend games. That being said, this is a bad l...

Trump supporters are stupid

So, I recently saw a Facebook post that explained why liberals think Trump supporters are stupid. It proceeds to explain all the reasons orange man is bad while citing several articles to support each claim. I decided, just for shits and giggles, to check them out. Before we start, I am not arguing that President Trump is a good man and a great example of character, I'm just gonna point out why these stories are skewed and do not represent the whole truth and the conclusion that people think Trump supporters are stupid because their either stupid or something worse is bullshit. Here's the post (I'm gonna address each link as we go italics is the post  plain is me) THIS WAS ON A FRIEND’S PAGE: An anguished question from a Trump supporter: ‘Why do liberals think Trump supporters are stupid?’ THE SERIOUS ANSWER: Here’s what the majority of anti-Trump voters honestly feel about Trump supporters en masse: That when you saw a man who had owned a fraudulent University, intent on s...

The news and why it doesn't matter, pt. 2

So I had a comment on my blog from yesterday that got me thinking. I'm not gonna name names just because but here's the comment.  I really wish we had leaders that could be honest about the risks and maybe more people would understand. There is a middle ground but damn I don't think anyone is smart enough to understand and actually evaluate risk. Now I'm not going to say this is wrong but I think alot gets lost in the transition from what our leaders say to what the news headlines are. The latest example is Dr. Fauci's testimony before the Senate. He said this in response to a question from Sen. Alexander in regards to having a vaccine before school starts in the fall. "The idea of having treatments available, or a vaccination, to facilitate the reentry of students into the fall term would be something that would be a bit of a bridge too far," Anthony Fauci, the nation's top infectious disease expert, told members of the Senate Health, Education, Labor...

The hypocrisy of everyone

Welcome to the pandemic world where masks are required except when they aren't. The utter hypocrisy of everyone who is anyone that has a platform during these trying times. (Side note: I'm am ready to punch my radio/TV anytime I hear "these trying times") First, I will start with the anti mask people on the right. I am in favor of rights and individual freedom and limited government and all that. However, if you want to exercise your right to not wear a mask (which I support, it's your choice) you cannot expect to be able to shop at a business whose owner has exercised their right to refuse service to anyone not wearing a mask. The hypocrisy of several of these anti mask people is unreal. They will, with pride, explain how they refused to wear a mask and entered a business despite the business requiring masks to enter. You can't insist on your right to not wear a mask while ignoring the fact that a business has the right to refuse service to people not wearing...

The news and why it doesn't matter

Warning: This blog contains explicit language and metaphors that would make your grandma blush. Proceed at your own risk. What the fuck is wrong with the news these days? I'm about to shit all over CNN but they are all bad. I mean Fox News, CNN, MSNBC, OAN, BlazeTV, and whoever else you want to include are feeding us bullshit left and right and we just keep eating it up. There is a middle ground in the real America, in my America, but the news as a whole has forgot all about the middle ground and journalistic integrity. What follows is definitely a mockery of the shit show that is CNN, but they are all bad. To explain, using CNN and Fox News as examples of the two sides, it's like America is in prison. In this prison, CNN is the guy that puts a shank to your throat and rapes you in the shower and Fox News is the guy that gives you his desert for a week, then rapes you in the shower. Your fucked either way, but at least Fox News pretends to be nice about it. Now, onto the latest...

Exercise during these trying times

So I was gonna insert a screenshot of a work out here but my tech guy hasn't figured that part out yet so here's a  link . Here's my corona workout suggestion... 12 oz curls using brand of your choice Repeat until tired. If your a hardo (shout out to the hive).... 25 oz curls using brand of your choice  Repeat until tired That's it. That's the blog.

Bad football news.... maybe?

Full story here So came across this hot take from Colin Cowherd and Paul Finebaum and I don't really like either of them but I'm tired and it's easy content so here we go. Apparently the rumor is that Alabama is in talks to play TCU Week 1 instead of USC based on California schools not being ready in time. This is a bull shit take. I don't know the exact number involved in a Alabama/USC game as far as money goes but it's big. People don't like to talk about it but college football is about money and Week 1 cross coference match ups involving two teams likely to be in the Top 25? That's money and alot of it. They try to justify their inside info with some bullshit about the PAC 12 not playing til spring? What a joke.... if PAC 12 don't play Week 1, NCAA don't play Week 1. The logistics and ripple effect here is astounding. Bama drops USC, TCU drops Cal, so USC plays Cal? That would work, except they are already scheduled to play October 10 because it...


So I'm currently sheet rocking a bedroom after work so my production is a bit down but here we go. The latest and greatest out of the White House is Obamagate. The greatest gate of them all. It's a joke. If Comey goes to jail I will be amazed much less anyone higher than him. I'm not gonna get into the argument of right vs wrong as far as Gen. Flynn, President Trump, James Comey, Peter Stryzoc, and everyone else because it's a waste of time and doesn't matter. Why? Because the fix is in. It was never going to matter who did what to who because this is a political situation and the politicians will fix it. Don't believe me? Look at the impeachment of President Trump. The day Adam Schiff started his investigation, everyone who was anyone in Washington knew what was going to happen. The President would be impeached and acquitted. This was a known fact from day 1. There was no criminal act, it was alleged misuse of politics. Disclaimer: Not arguing the right/wrong o...

Congress thinks they are the Oprah Winfrey Show

So apparently some people in Congress want to give out $2k a month to every American plus $2k per dependent.  Full story here  The current plan calls for monthly payments to continue until 3 months after the CDC says the pandemic is over. They have forgotten how money works and also that they don't have any. Where do they think this money is coming from? They are straight playing Oprah. You get 2 grand!!! You get 2 grand!!! Flooding the US with cash will not fix anything and it is completely unnecessary. What about the unemployed? I know a waitress who was working 20 hrs a week before the rona making a grand a week on unemployment. The government is already spending money they don't have to take care of these folks. What happened to the Tea Party? What happened to any sense of fiscal responsibility? We are bankrupting this country for politicians to score public opinion points. It's ridiculous. If they just keep printing money we don't have pretty soon it will be cheape...

I hate the news

So it's Friday today if that means anything to you. I have to tear paneling and insulation out of a bedroom tonight so there might be only one blog today. But here we go, if you have been reading this blog for any amount of time you should of realized I really dislike the media. Left, right, middle, pretty much all of them. (Except Hard Factor because they rock and do boat races) That being said I get surprised by the absolute lack of integrity in reporting. If you have a view that disagrees with me that's fine. I won't make fun of you for disagreeing with me, hell, I'm even wrong sometimes. If you have a view that you are trying to share with 10 million other people and using bullshit that you know is bullshit to back it up, then I consider you fair game. Today's first winner is Chad Prather of The Chad Prather Show. I like Chad, he is pretty funny and off the wall and shares a similar sense of humor with me. He also has done a really interesting series on Jeffrey ...

Why are conspiracy theories automatically bad?

So, I have been seeing a lot of people using the term conspiracy theory in a very derogatory way lately and I don't understand. I mean isn't the point of a conspiracy theory is that it's a theory? My understanding of a theory is that it is an idea that has yet to be proven. I mean people have talked about the conspiracy theories around Area 51 and I doubt they are all true but the Pentagon did just confirm that UFOs are real. (UFOs not aliens, but that's another blog for another time) I guess what really gets the irrational anger going is the way CNN labels something a conspiracy theory and just assumes that it is not true because it is a conspiracy theory. I am not aware of the educational requirements to work at CNN, but I learned in 6th grade science class that a theory is something that may or may not be true. I apologize to my left leaning readers because I'm gonna shit on CNN today but I hate Fox News just as much. My problem with doing this part time after wo...

Will Jerry let Dak go?

Interesting chatter coming out of Dallas lately. Will Dak be in a Dallas uniform next season? I realize that it's talking season and alot of this is probaly just noise because nothing else is going on but, in the spirit of talking season, what if? There is no denying that the Cowboys were a disappointment last season. They started ranked 8 in the preseason rankings (that was without Zeke on the roster) and finished 8-8 and couldn't beat the injury riddled Eagles to make the playoffs. That doesn't seem like a hill to stake a 40 million dollar deal on. I understand that coaching had alot to do with how the season went and McCarty should be an improvement in that department but you have to take a look at QB too. Dak was not impressive last year. While showing moments of brilliance on his way to 4,900 yards and 30 TD, he couldn't win games. had him the number 11 QB in their final rankings behind Ryan Tannehill (who only played 12 games and had 2,000 less yar...

A basic lesson in manners

So I got in a Facebook fight today. I was gonna link the article but my tech guy can't figure it out. Former President Obama is going to be part of a nationally televised commencement ceremony for the high school class of 2020. People immediately started cracking jokes about "Haven't they been through enough?" and referring to the former President of the United States of America by various nicknames. This pisses me off. Full disclosure my political views are definitely right. I think President Obama was the worst president of my lifetime and I disagreed with almost every policy he enacted. That being said this man is a former President of our great nation. The greatest nation in the world bar none. He deserves a measure of respect regardless of your personal political opinions. The office of POTUS deserves respect. The blatant disrespect of the office is something recent and needs to stop. I don't care how much you disagree with the politics or behavior of whoever...


So I can't figure out how to post a screenshot in here and my tech guy can't figure it out either.  (This is my tech guy, i am currently accepting applications to intern for him) So here's the text I keep seeing in different memes floating around. President Obama H1N1 Swine Flu 60.8 million cases 22,649 deaths No panic No quarantine  No one said Obama didn't act fast enough Now I did not fact check these numbers because they don't matter. The rona is not the flu. They are not the same thing. All you have to do is read some medical papers with a bunch of 18 syllable words in them and this will be obvious. The problem there is, if your like me and most of the population, we don't understand 18 syllable words. Now I like to think I'm pretty self aware (although I do spend time writing 10ish blogs a week for at best 30 people a day to read) so I called up a nurse I know about 6 weeks ago to find out what was real and what wasn't because she can r...

Going to Menards

So I didn't post anything last Friday because I had to be an adult. I have a bedroom I need to reinsulate amd sheetrock. I am a semi responsible adult that knows that the rona is a real thing so I looked into ways to get what I needed without unnecessary exposure to myself or others. Menards online order seemed like just the thing. You can go to the website, order, pay, and pick it up. It was a new feature they started to help with the rona. So, Thursday night the lovely better half and myself went online and placed our order. Since I'm apparently an idiot, I thought this meant I could make the 45 minute drive to Menards, grab my stuff, and drive in about two hours. I am dumb. It didn't work like that. The first inkling I was in trouble happened Friday morning. I received an email to let me know that one of my items was out of stock. Not a huge deal, I could get it locally. Next, we drive to Menards. Parking lot is a shit show. I am kinda surprised but at least I dont have ...


Authorities have confirmed that the viral video showing an attempted child abduction by a monkey was, in fact, a terrorist attack. The attack was the first, but probaly not the last, carried out by the MFII terrorist cell. MFII stands for Monkeys for Independent Inkawu. They are a new group pushing for monkeys to have a country of their own. MFII chose Inkawu, the Zulu word for monkey, as the name of this new nation. The White House refused to comment citing an ongoing investigation. Intelligence received from sources inside the CIA did confirm the existence of the group. According to sources, who chose to remain anonymous citing confidentiality, say that the note found on the motorcycle left at the scene indicated a complicated ransom demand that included, among other things, the delivery of 1 million bananas. Sources claim the fact that the terrorists were demanding a set number of bananas instead of an amount measured in weight points to the MFII's lack of comprehension of measu...