Going to Menards

So I didn't post anything last Friday because I had to be an adult. I have a bedroom I need to reinsulate amd sheetrock. I am a semi responsible adult that knows that the rona is a real thing so I looked into ways to get what I needed without unnecessary exposure to myself or others. Menards online order seemed like just the thing. You can go to the website, order, pay, and pick it up. It was a new feature they started to help with the rona. So, Thursday night the lovely better half and myself went online and placed our order. Since I'm apparently an idiot, I thought this meant I could make the 45 minute drive to Menards, grab my stuff, and drive in about two hours. I am dumb. It didn't work like that. The first inkling I was in trouble happened Friday morning. I received an email to let me know that one of my items was out of stock. Not a huge deal, I could get it locally. Next, we drive to Menards. Parking lot is a shit show. I am kinda surprised but at least I dont have to into the store and walk around all these people. Wrong. We go to customer service to get the order and find out the online order pick up is as physically far away from the front door as it can be and still be in the store. You have to walk through the entire store to get your order. It completely defeated the whole reason to order online in the first place. Not only that but everyone else was trying to be smart and doing the online order. So instead of a quick in and out we stand in line for half an hour with thirty of our new friends while employees in masks pull down their masks to talk anytime they within 6 feet of you. My brain exploded a little bit watching that happen. Full disclosure, I was one of the idiots without a mask because I wasn't planning on walking around the store. I got taken in by the coronavirus safe online pick up option. I got fooled. This whole pandemic has been one giant clusterfuck of oxymoronic behavior. I quit. Someone hit the reset button on 2020 and let's take a mulligan. In closing I have a joke submitted by the aforementioned lovely better half.

How long does it take to get from Louisiana to Alabama?

1 Mississippi 


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