I hate the news

So it's Friday today if that means anything to you. I have to tear paneling and insulation out of a bedroom tonight so there might be only one blog today. But here we go, if you have been reading this blog for any amount of time you should of realized I really dislike the media. Left, right, middle, pretty much all of them. (Except Hard Factor because they rock and do boat races) That being said I get surprised by the absolute lack of integrity in reporting. If you have a view that disagrees with me that's fine. I won't make fun of you for disagreeing with me, hell, I'm even wrong sometimes. If you have a view that you are trying to share with 10 million other people and using bullshit that you know is bullshit to back it up, then I consider you fair game. Today's first winner is Chad Prather of The Chad Prather Show. I like Chad, he is pretty funny and off the wall and shares a similar sense of humor with me. He also has done a really interesting series on Jeffrey Epstein. It's on YouTube if your bored. However, the other day he went off the deep end. He explained that we are supposed to cough into our elbows because that makes it easier for surveillance drones to identify who is coughing. Come on man. Is there government overreach going on? Yes, but this is ridiculous. This is right wing fear reporting and doesn't help anything. This a straight bullshit and should not be repeated on any platform except to explain that it is bullshit. Next winner has multiple appearances on this blog, CNN has posted several articles citing a CDC report projecting 3,000 deaths a day from coronavirus. The following quote is from one of several pieces of "reporting" using this CDC report as fact. Full story here "Consider first the carnage yet to come caused by the virus. An internal Trump administration model suggests that there could be 3,000 deaths a day by June."  CNN is using this report to claim President Trump is doing a terrible job and we can't reopen and blah blah blah. The only problem is within hours of this report being leaked several officials from the CDC commented. They said that this report was a study on what would happen if the USA did not implement any social distancing guidelines or quarantine measures ever. That number is an estimate of what would of happened if they didn't cancel NCAA, NBA, NHL, and all large gatherings. If they didn't implement any social distancing. If they treated it like the flu the CDC projected 3,000 deaths a day in June. The problem is that we did all that. This is left wing fear reporting and it is also bullshit. I'm not going to argue reopening vs staying closed in this blog, but if you want to make the argument we should stay in quarantine use real numbers. Using bullshit numbers, having people call you out on using bullshit numbers, and continuing to use the bullshit numbers is irresponsible and doesn't help anything. Today's final winner is Fox News. They published a lovely opinion piece advocating for the opening of national parks. We start with this lovely quote "Perhaps there is no better way to be socially distant than going into the mountains, into a park or out in the barren desert. Scientists tell us to be socially distant, and being outdoors and socially distant is even better." Full story here Now I agree that you can't stay inside all the time and fresh air is important, but driving to the Grand Canyon to camp out with 200 of your favorite people from 8 states for a week and going back home seems like a bad idea. The brilliant genius then makes the argument about how much space there is in these national parks for room and people to spread out and then follows that up with the fact that in Utah they had to shut off the water at a state park because people in groups are dumb and the park was severely overcrowded. Couple the constant reporting from the right about how quarantine is unnecessary and this is all a government plot to steal our freedom, what makes anyone think the national parks won't be overcrowded? I can't stay 6 feet away from everyone all the time in my town of 500 people how are you supposed to do it with 2000 campers at a campground? Get it together and give us some fact based logical reporting that doesn't contradict itself in the same article. Be better. In closing, as always, don't watch the news, stay home, wash your hands, and listen to the CDC because I feel like we might legitimately have riots if the black and gold don't destroy the 'clones for the upteenth time this year.  


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