Flattening the curve...
So, I'm just kinda doing a part B to my previous post because the more I thought about it, the more I became irritated about it. The CNN article I referenced is the first news article in weeks I have seen, from either side, that referenced flattening the curve. I thought this was the big goal? (Side note: good job everybody, again.) All we heard about for weeks from every talking head from Glenn Beck to Wolf Blitzer was saying we need to flatten the curve and we did it. And then? Crickets. Absolute crickets. Fox went off on the was this even necessary kick, CNN went off on the anti-Trump/stay shut down kick and the curve, which had been the most important thing to happen in America since 1918, disappeared. This is why the news is such a joke. The complete lack of coverage is why you have Dave Portnoy, with all of his 5 billion stoolies or whatever the number is, screaming about moving goalposts and getting heard. This is one of the reasons why you have Bill Gates conspiracy theories. You put in a lockdown to flatten the curve, the curve gets flattened, and everyone quits talking about the curve. Why? Is it so hard for a talking head somewhere to say "Good job, folks". One of the basics of working with people I learned a long time ago is a little praise goes a long way. This is a lesson I'm sure everyone in any kind of supervisory postion or management has heard at least once. When someone needs constructive criticism it's three steps.
1. Compliment: Ex. Good job with the filing.
2. Constructive Criticism: I like your initiative, but we prefer you do x instead of y
3. Reassurance: Appreciate your effort and keep up the good work
When did Washington, DC and the rest of the morons (including, but not limited to, the 122 person political division at CNN, yup 122, I counted twice) forget this basic shit that every 23 y/o with a business degree knows? When did Fox News turn into anti-CNN instead of news? What the hell is going on in this different world that is DC? Why are they so disconnected from everyman America that everytime they talk 25% of America is angry, 25% is happy, and 50% don't care because they just serving up the same shit they did yesterday with different sides? (The 50% number is probably low but I like easy math). I dunno folks, but it's going to break sooner or later because it is a sad state of affairs when I get more accurate stories from Hard Factor News (a news comedy show) than I do from CNN or Fox. Sorry this one got away from me a bit and probably needs some editing, but I'm tired so, stay safe, question everything, wash your hands, listen to the CDC, and don't listen to the news so we can all be pounding beers and screaming at the Hawks this fall as another championship run comes to Kinnick to die.
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