The hypocrisy of everyone

Disco Ball - Face Mask – Katie May

Welcome to the pandemic world where masks are required except when they aren't. The utter hypocrisy of everyone who is anyone that has a platform during these trying times. (Side note: I'm am ready to punch my radio/TV anytime I hear "these trying times") First, I will start with the anti mask people on the right. I am in favor of rights and individual freedom and limited government and all that. However, if you want to exercise your right to not wear a mask (which I support, it's your choice) you cannot expect to be able to shop at a business whose owner has exercised their right to refuse service to anyone not wearing a mask. The hypocrisy of several of these anti mask people is unreal. They will, with pride, explain how they refused to wear a mask and entered a business despite the business requiring masks to enter. You can't insist on your right to not wear a mask while ignoring the fact that a business has the right to refuse service to people not wearing a mask. Rights work for everyone not just you. Do I think everyone should be required to wear masks? No. Will I wear a mask if the business requires it to shop there? Yes. There is a middle ground and y'all seem to have forgotten that. Second, good ol' CNN. They have decided that disobeying government orders to reopen is ok. CNN crucified anyone daring to disobey the shutdown orders and mocked them incessantly. You can't have it both ways. Either civil disobedience in the face of orders you don't feel are legal or in the public interest is ok or it isn't. You can't condemn it on one side and celebrate it on the other. Once again, there is a middle ground. Do I think the Michigan protesters made bad choices while exercising their rights? Yes. Do I think that people can chose to not reopen even if their state allows it? Yes. We desperately need someone at the national level to find the middle and promote it. This constant attitude that if you disagree with me in the slightest your a fascist/commie/idiot/want people to die attitude is ruining this country far more effectively than the virus ever will. A short example and then I'm done. A friend posted a bullshit story from NBC on Facebook. I pointed out it was bullshit and the immediate reply accused me of thinking that all the dead people from coronavirus were made up. I have never said that or anything close to that. This is just an example of what is happening on a national level. The left says we need to extend lock down and the right screams about how they want to change the US into a communist country. The right says we need to reopen and save the economy and the left screams that we are killing people. There is a middle ground and, for the sake of everyone, I hope someone in Washington can pull their head outta their ass long enough to find it. Don't watch the news, follow your local gov't recommendations, wash your hands, and listen to the CDC because we need sports or we will all lose our minds watching the Fox News and CNNs of the world contradicting themselves to make a point.  


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