
So I'm currently sheet rocking a bedroom after work so my production is a bit down but here we go. The latest and greatest out of the White House is Obamagate. The greatest gate of them all. It's a joke. If Comey goes to jail I will be amazed much less anyone higher than him. I'm not gonna get into the argument of right vs wrong as far as Gen. Flynn, President Trump, James Comey, Peter Stryzoc, and everyone else because it's a waste of time and doesn't matter. Why? Because the fix is in. It was never going to matter who did what to who because this is a political situation and the politicians will fix it. Don't believe me? Look at the impeachment of President Trump. The day Adam Schiff started his investigation, everyone who was anyone in Washington knew what was going to happen. The President would be impeached and acquitted. This was a known fact from day 1. There was no criminal act, it was alleged misuse of politics. Disclaimer: Not arguing the right/wrong of President Trump's actions just stating what type of action he allegedly committed. There was no one at the top or near the top of the House, Senate, or White House (and probaly the Supreme Court) that didn't know how this was going to shake out. Nancy Pelosi and Kevin McCarthy have worked together on countless bills over 13 years. You really think this wasn't discussed ahead of time? The House is too big for me to theorize, but there was a deal. Leadership of both parties knew the President was going to be impeached and knew what the vote count would be plus/minus 2 votes weeks before it happened at minimum. Same thing for the Senate. McConnell and Schumer hammered this out before the Chief Justice ever walked over to Capitol Hill. They agreed that there wouldn't be additional witnesses and Romney would vote for impeachment. This deal gave both sides what they needed, political talking points. Democrats could claim that they had bipartisan support and Republicans could claim Trump was acquitted by a majority and they are both right. The public part of it was all show for the folks at home. Back to Obamagate, the same fix is in. I don't have sources to tell you how it is going to shake out and who is going to get what in the end, but if you think this will be decided by the DOJ you are wrong. The fix will be made by the people "serving" 15, 20, 40 years in DC and we will see what they want us to see. The same reason that no one testified in the Senate impeachment trial. The same reason former President Obama won't even come close to jail. The same reason Comey most likely won't see a criminal charge, let alone jail time. The reason is Washington takes care of their own and the rest of us don't really matter all that much. A great illustration of how this works is the tv show Scandal, Season 1, Episode 2. The fixer is hired to protect a madam's client list. It seems like the DOJ is going to get it. The fixer then calls in everyone on the client list and tells them they need to stop the investigation. They all have their hands in the cookie jar so they can't give up the cookie jar and the investigation gets stopped. (Great tv show by the way.) The point is Biden, Trump, Obama, Comey, Flynn, and the rest won't be touched because to do so reveals the cookie jar and then they all go down because they all have a hand in it. Stay safe folks, don't watch the news, wash your hands, and listen to the CDC because sports are coming back as long as y'all don't screw it up.


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