Why are conspiracy theories automatically bad?

So, I have been seeing a lot of people using the term conspiracy theory in a very derogatory way lately and I don't understand. I mean isn't the point of a conspiracy theory is that it's a theory? My understanding of a theory is that it is an idea that has yet to be proven. I mean people have talked about the conspiracy theories around Area 51 and I doubt they are all true but the Pentagon did just confirm that UFOs are real. (UFOs not aliens, but that's another blog for another time) I guess what really gets the irrational anger going is the way CNN labels something a conspiracy theory and just assumes that it is not true because it is a conspiracy theory. I am not aware of the educational requirements to work at CNN, but I learned in 6th grade science class that a theory is something that may or may not be true. I apologize to my left leaning readers because I'm gonna shit on CNN today but I hate Fox News just as much. My problem with doing this part time after work in that most Fox News stuff requires more research than I have time to do, but I digress. Back to conspiracy theories, I really feel like they are getting a bad rap. CNN calls any hint of Joe Biden/Ukraine as conspiracy theory and assumes that it is wrong without putting any evidence either way in the articles. They just expect us to say "Oh, it's a conspiracy theory" and accept that it's not true. That's bullshit. I'm not gonna argue whether or not it's true because I don't have that much time but expecting us to just accept it's not by calling it a conspiracy theory is a joke. Guess what? The things President Trump is accusing Biden of is a conspiracy theory. It is a theory that states (once again, not saying it's true or not) the then VP Biden used his position as vice president conspired with people in the Ukraine government and the US State Department conspired to stop an investigation into Burisma. If you want to know more you can google it. My point is that simply calling it a conspiracy theory doesn't automatically untrue. Probably the most glaring example of this in recent times is the case of Michael Flynn. There's a lot of background here. Click here if you want to read the news story. As it relates to the misuse of conspiracy theory, Flynn's lawyers accused the FBI/DOJ of misusing their power and deliberately hiding exonerating evidence from the court. The lead investigator immediately dismiss this as a conspiracy theory yesterday. Today, the lead investigator recused himself from the case and then the DOJ dropped the case because Flynn's lawyers were right and the FBI fucked him. So, if the DOJ says the conspiracy theory is true does that mean it was never a conspiracy theory? I would say not and we need to stop giving conspiracy theories a bad rap. Don't watch the news, stay home, wash your hands, and listen to the CDC because we need football so I have something other to do than read actual news and can go back to reading about sports.


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