A basic lesson in manners

So I got in a Facebook fight today. I was gonna link the article but my tech guy can't figure it out. Former President Obama is going to be part of a nationally televised commencement ceremony for the high school class of 2020. People immediately started cracking jokes about "Haven't they been through enough?" and referring to the former President of the United States of America by various nicknames. This pisses me off. Full disclosure my political views are definitely right. I think President Obama was the worst president of my lifetime and I disagreed with almost every policy he enacted. That being said this man is a former President of our great nation. The greatest nation in the world bar none. He deserves a measure of respect regardless of your personal political opinions. The office of POTUS deserves respect. The blatant disrespect of the office is something recent and needs to stop. I don't care how much you disagree with the politics or behavior of whoever is in the office, the office deserves respect. You don't call the President childish names. You don't make fun of a former President for delivering a commencement address. Back off. The President of the United States of America deserves better. He (or she) represents our nation and when you disrespect them you disrespect this great nation that too many have fought and died for. I'm not calling for blanket agreement with everything thay say but be fucking polite. That is all. Be better. 


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