Good news about sports.... and bad

The NCAA has finally done some thing smart. They announced that college football and basketball teams can resume on campus activities on June 1st. This is huge. We are going to have football folks as long as the y'all don't watch the news and listen to the CDC. I have been floating along all afternoon, happier than a pig in shit, and then the MLB owners shot my mood in the head. Click here for the full story. To summarize, the owners laid down the law and told the players to either renegotiate their deal from March or they just won't play until large gatherings are allowed. What a power move by the owners. This is shots fired. I don't really remember much about the last strike, but I feel like this is another one coming. This really feels like a move by the owners to try and get public opinion on their side. The owners are technically correct because the March deal was negotiated with the belief that fans would be able to attend games. That being said, this is a bad look. Millionaires arguing with billionaires about money most fans will never see in a lifetime of work. Y'all need to pull your heads out of the sand and make a deal. I'm not an expert, but maybe pay the players 75% of their salary per game? Or maybe 60%? I mean the owners revenue sharing is dead in the water because how do you even figure the math on that? I also feel like the players wanting the March deal is not a hill you want to die on. The March deal was negotiated under a different set of circumstances and the owners aren't wrong to ask for a renegotiation. But, hey everybody, at least we got college football back. The game is back. LFG!!!!!!!


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