Bill Gates started the coronavirus!!!

The internet strikes again with the latest conspiracy theory that Bill Gates started the coronavirus and is going to use it to get rich and further his primary goal of controlling global population. Forbes has a good article about it here. Apparently Jeff Bezos is in on it too. Their motive? Money. The two richest guys in the world cooked the whole pandemic up so they could have more money. One quick note, I really dislike stuff being called untrue just because it's a conspiracy theory. Some of them are true but this is not one of them. This stuff is so far out it doesn't even deserve to be called a theory. To have a solid theory you need at least some facts to start with. For example, the ballistics report from the assasination of JFK was not consistent with a single untrained shooter so there was a second gunman. This theory starts with a fact and then posts a theory based on this fact. The Bill Gates/Jeff Bezos "theory" is based on made up shit. Bill Gates doesn't have a patent on the vaccine for COVID 19. Whether his motives are good or bad, he has spent far more money donating to smart people than he is going to make from the pandemic. Gates definitely has some strange ideas regarding population control and his help in third world countries hasn't always been helpful but that doesn't make him a supervillain trying to kill the world. Just because Jeff Bezos did business with a company in Wuhan doesn't mean he planned the pandemic. Bezos does business with probably every country in the world. This could of started in Madsgascar and people could find business dealings Bezos had there. This off the wall nonsense doesn't help anything. Just because CNN/Fox News are feeding us bullshit doesn't make this bullshit true just because it's a different flavor. Calm down everyone. Wash your hands and listen to the CDC because right now the Hawks are gonna be playing this fall and we cannot screw that up.


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