The news and why it doesn't matter
Warning: This blog contains explicit language and metaphors that would make your grandma blush. Proceed at your own risk.
What the fuck is wrong with the news these days? I'm about to shit all over CNN but they are all bad. I mean Fox News, CNN, MSNBC, OAN, BlazeTV, and whoever else you want to include are feeding us bullshit left and right and we just keep eating it up. There is a middle ground in the real America, in my America, but the news as a whole has forgot all about the middle ground and journalistic integrity. What follows is definitely a mockery of the shit show that is CNN, but they are all bad. To explain, using CNN and Fox News as examples of the two sides, it's like America is in prison. In this prison, CNN is the guy that puts a shank to your throat and rapes you in the shower and Fox News is the guy that gives you his desert for a week, then rapes you in the shower. Your fucked either way, but at least Fox News pretends to be nice about it. Now, onto the latest shit show of a clusterfuck of an article to make it's way onto the interwebz. CNN, in an abundance of editorial wisdom, posted this article. Written by Yaneer Bar-Am, who is a physicist studying social challenges, (whatever the fuck that means because I thought a physicist studied physics) contributed this lovely piece of work. He explains that good Americans should exercise their right to freedom and ignore the orders of the government if said government is reopening their state. Nope, I didn't stutter, the same CNN that has mocked every single person disobeying government shutdown orders in the name of freedom is now saying that you should exercise your freedom by staying locked down. These fucking idiots think the public is so stupid that they won't notice the complete 180 degree turnabout. In their defense, they are probably right because the CNN crowd seems to swallow anything they publish without question. And to be fair, the Fox News crowd does the same. Next we get to the really fucking amazing shit this Yaneer pulled out of his ass, photocopied, and CNN hit publish. I give you this quote...
First, we must understand that coronavirus is very deadly. Those who claim the death rate is exaggerated are plain wrong and downplaying the emergency. While death rate estimates have varied, recent data from China, the United Kingdom and France, reflecting deaths outside hospitals, including in nursing homes, puts the Covid-19 global fatality rate at around 6.8%, based upon analysis we did at, using data from Johns Hopkins University.
Now, using basic math, 295,00 deaths out of 4.327 million confirmed cases is a fatality rate of 6.8% but I have not seen anyone say these numbers are low. Pretty much everyone from the CDC on down say the case count is low. There is a lack of testing which means we have no idea what the actual percentage is. Most outlets, both left and right, that I've seen put it at about 2% and admit it maybe high. This includes CNN roughly a week ago who said that the actual number of cases in New York is 3 million or twice the number of confirmed cases in the US. This is also worldwide numbers where places like Iran and China, who don't have a good healthcare infrastructure, will skew the numbers higher. The best fucking part? I clinked the link to check out the analysis he refers too because I was confused. I had not seen a number over 3% since this shitshow started in February. Clicked through the whole fucking web page that was a stylized regurgitation of what the CDC says with lots of vague graphs and fucking feel good talk about the good of the world and all that bullshit people say when they want you to smile while they fuck you over. After about 10 minutes of scrolling through graphs that didn't fucking show shit and platitudes about why I should give them money to support the cause I finally found the part about the fatality rate of the rona.
The Coronavirus (COVID-19) causes about 20% severe cases and 2% deaths. This is about 20 times higher than the flu. A typical incubation period is 3 days but it may extend to 14 days, and reports exist of 24 and 27 days. It is highly contagious with an increase from day to day of 50% in new cases (infection rate R0 of about 3-4) unless extraordinary interventions are made
In summary, this fucking genius cites a 6.8% fatality rate based upon the website he conveniently links so you can check it out AND THE WEBSITE SAYS FATALITY RATE IS 2%!!!! What fucking world are we living in? For fuck's sake, did the editor at CNN not even bother to check where the fuck this made up number was coming from before he hit publish? The answer is no if you were confused. He is just like "Orange man say open, doctor say close, MUST PUBLISH!!!" Wake the fuck up people, we are getting fed bullshit left and right. Don't watch the news, listen to the government recommendations, wash your hands, and listen to the CDC because we need normal again. This shit is out of hand. And lastly a joke from the lovely better half. What does a robot do after orgasm? He nuts and bolts.
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