Random thoughts for MDW

Production has been down lately due to multiple projects and a full time job, but expect 10 a week again starting Tuesday. Also, if y'all are enjoying this hit the follow button. Today is a just a few random thoughts going into the weekend.

First, if your in an area that isn't having a Memorial Day service consider listening to the first 15 mins or so of this podcast. Just 3 veterans remembering why this is a holiday and the sacrifices made. Well worth the time.

Second, apparently if your black you have to vote for Biden or you lose your blackness. Not sure where ol' Joe was going with this one but it's a bad look.

Third, the coronavirus is not a plot by Jeff Bezos/Bill Gates to take over the world. I will probably go more in depth on this next week, but it's not. Are there people using this situation to profit? Yes. Is there some shady shit going on? Yes. Are we being lied to by people in the government and media? Most likely yes. Scratch that, yes. Are the numbers regarding fatality rate of the coronavirus inaccurate? Yes. However, these facts do not equal a giant conspiracy to take away all our rights and make Bill Gates rich. So just calm down.

Fourth, We are going to have football. Hawks are starting the first part of June. This is a great sign.

In closing, listen to your local guidelines, listen to the CDC, wash your hands, and stay safe everyone. Happy Memorial Day!!


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