So I can't figure out how to post a screenshot in here and my tech guy can't figure it out either. 
(This is my tech guy, i am currently accepting applications to intern for him)

So here's the text I keep seeing in different memes floating around.

President Obama
H1N1 Swine Flu
60.8 million cases
22,649 deaths
No panic No quarantine 
No one said Obama didn't act fast enough

Now I did not fact check these numbers because they don't matter. The rona is not the flu. They are not the same thing. All you have to do is read some medical papers with a bunch of 18 syllable words in them and this will be obvious. The problem there is, if your like me and most of the population, we don't understand 18 syllable words. Now I like to think I'm pretty self aware (although I do spend time writing 10ish blogs a week for at best 30 people a day to read) so I called up a nurse I know about 6 weeks ago to find out what was real and what wasn't because she can read 18 syllable words and understand what they mean. She summed it up like this. Flu patients are contagious for no more than 72 hours (3 days) and most people have symptoms within 48 hours and realize they are sick and stay home. This limits the spread. COVIID 19 patients are contagious for 10 to 14 days and most never know they have it. This causes it to be spread much faster than the flu.
So stop coming at me with your bullshit flu numbers and talk to someone you know personally (not the breast cancer doctor paid to say the right spin on Fox News or whatever flavor of idiot they have on CNN to do the same thing for the left spin) that understands 18 syllable words that are in medical journals and listen to them. We all need to show a little common sense here. The other thing that gets the irrational anger going is what's the point of this argument? Because it seems to come from right wing people supporting an end to lockdown. So by posting this you are implying that Obama was wrong and shoulda put everyone in quarantine or that Trump is wrong to quarantine and Obama did it right. Basically your either saying Obama was right and Trump is wrong or Trump is right and quarantine is the right decision. Neither of those options seem like the argument these people are trying to make. Quit being click happy and read what you post and use a bit of logic please. I won't argue with/make fun of anyone making a logical statement (Disclaimer: usually) but quit posting things that make no sense. Don't watch the news, stay home, wash your hands, and listen to the CDC because we need to not ruin the football season everyone says we are going to have.


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