Forget Uncle Joe! Forget Angry Orange Man! Here comes Jo!!!!
If your a proud Biden supporter that thinks he is going to fix everything, stop reading. If you think Trump is perfect in every way and does nothing wrong, stop reading. If you are with me in the middle 75% of the country that thinks both candidates are flawed, I give you Jo Jorgensen. She is the Libertarian nominee for President and has some solid ideas. Jo is has a B.S. in psychology (don't know what that means) and a MBA (think that one is money related) and is a woman, making her the only candidate that isn't an old white guy. The qualifications are stacking up. She has been an active member of the Libertarian Party since the early 80's and seems pretty smart. She has taught college classes, mothered two kids, and ran several businesses. Neither Biden or Trump can claim all three of these. What about policy, you ask? Let's go. She has several key issues highlighted on her website and we will cover them all. (All quotes are from the link at beginning of blog.)
Government Spending, Deficits, and Debt
This is a big issue for me personally. I have touched on it briefly in a previous blog and think government spending is horribly out of control and neither side cares. Jo has similar views. “As President, I will use my Constitutional authority to block any new borrowing. I will veto any spending bill that would lead to a deficit, and veto any debt ceiling increase. I will give every Cabinet secretary a specific spending reduction target to meet and hold them accountable." Preach, sister, preach!!! This is music to my anti big gov ears. Tell me more.
Neutrality and Peace
“Turn America into One Giant Switzerland: Armed and Neutral – with the military force to defend America’s shores and soil against any foreign attackers or invaders." (Random side note: I'm writing this as the lovely better half drives and Bleed It Out by Linkin Park just came on and that song slaps so so hard. RIP, Chester) Jo goes on to explain that she will bring all our troops home and not participate in any wars on foreign soil. I'm not entirely against this idea, but I hate absolutes. To say that there is absolutely no possible scenario where US forces need to fight on foreign soil is wild and, I feel, untrue. However, I do like the idea of cutting back on foreign deployments and endless wars.
Healthcare is a mess and I am not smart enough to fix it. Jo embraces the fair market system. "They (Republicans/Democrats) differ only on whether this should be done by private insurance companies or government bureaucrats. This is the exact opposite of what needs to be done. We can reduce the cost of health care 75% by allowing real price competition, and by substantially reducing government and insurance company paperwork" Less paperwork and more competition? Sign me up. That sentence alone makes more sense than any thing I have heard from any other candidate in the past 10 years. Healthcare is a business and consumers win when there is competition in business 99% of the time.
“I will work to remove government barriers to replacing coal-burning and oil-burning power plants in the United States with safe, non-polluting, high-tech nuclear power plants – and allowing off-grid use of solar power. Worldwide, I believe we need to consider all scientific & economic knowledge to care for our environment, not cherry-pick data to support a pre-determined outcome." Wow. Just wow. Is anyone else else slightly aroused after reading that? An actual alternative to fossil fuels? One that doesn't create more emissions than it saves? (Check out the carbon footprint on windmills, it's unreal.) And the part about cherry picking data? Preach, sister, preach.
Social Security
“Do you trust politicians to keep their promises? I don’t. They’ve spent every cent in the Social Security Trust Fund on other spending, leaving behind worthless IOU’s." I don't know enough about Social Security to offer an informed opinion on her plan (the 6.2% solution?) but that sentence should resonate with every single American that currently draws breath.
Trade and Immigration
"As President, I will use my Constitutional authority to eliminate trade barriers & tariffs, and work to repeal arbitrary quotas on the number of people who can legally enter the United States to work, visit, or reside." This is my first disagreement with Jo. Tariffs and trade barriers are critical diplomatic tools, especially if you aren't going to fight foreign wars. She also states elsewhere that she would tear down the border wall because she supports immigration. That makes no sense. Whether you think the wall is a good idea or bad, it was never meant to stop immigration.
Criminal Justice Reform
“I am appalled that the United States ranks number one in the world for having the highest percentage of people imprisoned. I am also appalled that the federal government permits police to seize a person’s assets without first convicting them of a crime, and then keep most of the assets seized. This is literally highway robbery." And I'm back in. Calling out the government for robbing it's citizens? Give me more of that. She also wants to end the "racist war on drugs" (she's right, it's racist), legalize drugs, reform prisons, and give local citizens voting power over policing practices. It is not a perfect platform, but it's better than anything else I've seen.
“From 1959 to 1969, the poverty rate was nearly cut in half while government did little to address poverty. However, after the war on poverty was fully implemented in the early seventies, progress stopped. Fifty years of federal anti-poverty programs – zero impact. Government anti-poverty programs don’t work." I know I'm getting repetitive but PREACH, SISTER, PREACH!!! More government is never the answer. Ima say it again for those in the back. MORE GOVERNMENT IS NEVER THE ANSWER. Jo supports eliminating regulations that stifle economic growth so that there is more money for everyone. I. Love. It.
“The Department of Education has failed. In the forty years since the Department of Education was created, government spending on education has skyrocketed, while the quality of education has declined. Students used to be able to work their way through college and graduate debt-free. As President, I will work to eliminate the Department of Education and return control of education to where it belongs – with parents, teachers, and students.” Yes. Just yes. To every syllable of that statement.
“Taxes are never voluntary – they are always paid under threat of punishment. If you fail to pay what government says you owe, you can be fined, have your wages garnished, assets seized, even go to prison. Voting for more government spending inevitably leads to higher taxes to pay for it – now, or in the future. As President, I will work tirelessly to slash federal spending, make government much, much smaller, and let you keep what you earn.” I may be in love right now. (Just kidding, the lovely better half has sole possession of my heart) Less taxes? Less federal spending? Less government? Sign me up. I want in.
Click here for the Q&A part of Jo's website that goes more in depth on her positions. She is a great candidate. Some of her ideas are a little out there, but overall solid. She is anti war, pro climate, pro deregulation, pro abortion, pro immigration (legal and illegal), anti deportation (mostly), pro balanced budget, financially conservative, socially liberal, and, overall, a delightful mix of some of the best and worst ideas from both sides. I love her. The perfect middle ground candidate that independent, left, and right should all be able to get behind.
Now, a step back into reality. She is unelectable. The system is fixed. The money behind the DNC and RNC would character assasinate her in a heartbeat if they even thought she had a chance. Third party candidates means the end of the system they have rigged. It won't happen in probably my lifetime and maybe not even my kids. The money will continue to flow and CNN/Fox News will keep serving the koolaid and the system will keep fucking us until the country crumbles while the RNC/DNC play the fiddle. Stay safe, wash your hands, and enjoy the ride as long as it lasts.
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