Covidiots, Pt. 2

Ok folks. First things first, thanks to everyone reading these and I've added a follow button if you want to know when I post. I'm  gonna try to keep up 2 a day during the week and maybe 1 or 2 on weekends depending on material. Now on to the blog, part 2 of a series that should only have one part. This time I'm going to hand out Covidiot Awards to specific people/groups. 
Covidiot Award Recepient 1: Protesters
Now, I do not 100% disagree with what these people are saying. The danger of tanking the economy and causing irreparable harm is real. That being said BE SMARTER!! Call your state reps and senators, call your congressman, flood the governor's office with email. Do anything other than gather in large groups with a bunch of people you don't know. Social distancing is neccessary and if you don't believe me google coronavirus in meat packing plants. We had a 500 case spike in one day in Iowa with over 50% from meat packing plants. Take notes you idiots.

Covidiot Award Recipient 2: Governor of Michigan
Good job to this lady for using her position to make a bid for VP instead of doing what's best for Michigan. The fact that she instituted stricter restrictions than New York City is why she had protesters. Michigan is not New York. It's more like Iowa. Be smarter and quit looking for headlines. (Side note: Left her name out on purpose)

Covidiot Award Recipient 3:  Mayor Carol Goodman
In case you missed it, this idiot made a fool out of herself on national tv. Now, I am not an Anderson Cooper fan, but gotta give him props for not just straight screaming on this lady. Here's a link to a blog about her with video.
Highlights include ol' Mayor Goodman saying casinos should reopen but she wouldn't go into one because she has a family. She also claimed that she would reopen the casinos and they could just figure out what to do for safety. It is probaly some of the most cringeworthy shit I have seen since the beginning of quarantine other than AOC. 

Covidiot Award Recipient 4: Main Stream Media including Fox News
I am not here to take sides right versus left, but the media on both sides need to be better. The idiots at CNN and company will drag any idiot with an opinion and good camera presence that will say this pandemic is the end of the world and put them on camera. Doesn't matter if they have facts, educated guesses, or shit made up out of hope for camera time or a "news article". Fox News is exactly the same except if you want on their network you need to explain why this pandemic is either overblown, a hoax, or government overreach. All the national media is part of the problem. I have explained this more throughly in a 4 part series that should only be one part titled "No one knows shit about fuck." If we could get these people to stick to facts and not the opinions of experts making shit up that would be great. 

That sums up the new winners for today, might have a NCAA type bracket when this is all over. Til then, don't listen to the news, stay home if you can, wash your hands, and listen to what the CDC recommends because no sports til 2021 is a thing that shouldnt happen. 


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