No one knows shit about fuck. Pt. 6

So after several heavy, data intensive blogs, we are back to a more light hearted topic. The rona. The semi forgotten pandemic has came roaring back into the headlines with this awesome story. Great news!!!! It's "rare" for asymptomatic people to spread the virus. Awesome, we can go back to stay home if your sick right? Well, maybe not. If you take the time to read the story a not so clear picture emerges. Here's some quotes. In its recent updated guidance on mask-wearing, the WHO said that studies of asymptomatic transmission to date are small, but that virus spread via fomites (objects and surfaces) in those cases cannot be ruled out. So... it doesn't happen unless it does? I'm not a doctor or a nurse or even a CNA but I'm pretty sure that line is self contradictory. So asymptomatic transmission is small unless they touch stuff and you touch it? This story contains the following quote "The new coronavirus "does not spread easily" from touching surfaces or objects, according to updated wording on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC) website." So asymptomatic people are less likely to spread it unless they touch things but don't worry because it doesn't spread easily across surfaces? Then there's this story, headline claims that coronavirus can infect half the surfaces in a hospital in ten hours. The only problem with this little fact is it is based on a study using plant DNA not coronavirus. Seems a little sketchy to me. Like maybe if want to track how a virus spreads you should study the virus? So back to the original story. Here is a gem from the CNN article, "When we actually go back and we say how many of them were truly asymptomatic, we find out that many have really mild disease," Van Kerkhove said.

"They're not quote-unquote Covid symptoms, meaning they may not have developed fever yet, they may not have had a significant cough, or they may not have shortness of breath -- but some may have mild disease," she said. "Having said that, we do know that there can be people who are truly asymptomatic."

Ok, so roughly translated, People that are asymptomatic might actually be mild cases because they have non COVID-19 symptoms but also these people might actually be asymptomatic because their symptoms aren't COVID-19 symptoms. That's about enough to make a normal guy's head explode. What does that even mean? I swear I have reread that sentence about 10 times and lose 2 IQ points each time so I'm going to stop trying before I'm too dumb to operate my smart phone. One last quote from the CNN article, "Many people with Covid-19 who may appear to be asymptomatic actually could just have mild or atypical symptoms -- or they could be pre-symptomatic, Dr. Manisha Juthani, an infectious diseases specialist and associate professor of medicine and epidemiology at Yale School of Medicine, said in an email to CNN on Monday." Ok, so people they consider asymptomatic may later become symptomatic which means they were actually contagious even when they weren't touching things? No one knows shit about fuck. Stay safe people, don't watch the news, listen to the CDC, and question everything because the miracle that Coach Kirk is going to pull off this season is going to be fun to watch. 


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