Why people are voting for Trump.

 There seems to be a feeling of victory in the air for the Biden camp and it seems to center around this idea that no one can be dumb enough to vote for Trump. I see the internet full of people who I know are intelligent, smart people, fully capable of logical thought abandon all pretense of intelligence and logic when it comes to Trump. It truly confuses me. This also goes the other way at times, people blindly supporting everything Trump does and refusing to consider that anything he does maybe questionable or wrong. I'm not going to pretend the die hard Trumpsters aren't out there, but this blog isn't about them. This blog is for the people that can't understand why people would vote the bad orange man.

(Disclaimer: I am not voting for Trump and do not necessarily believe all the following takes to be correct, but simply trying to explain the other side for all the confused people out there.)

Reasons people vote for Trump

1. They are sick and tired of biased reporting and baseless attacks on the President.

I think this is probably the biggest one. For almost 4 years now Trump has been constantly demonized by Democrats in Congress, Republicans in Congress, CNN, MSNBC, and pretty much most of the Washington establishment. People are tired of it and no one cares. The spin zone continues. At this point, Trump could announce world peace and giving everyone in the USA 1 million dollars and CNN would run a negative story and Pelosi would condemn him. I realize that is hyperbole, but it is not far from the truth. In the VP debate, Harris attacked the Trump administration for failing to respond to Russian bounties on US Troops and also for ordering the strike that killed Iranian general Soleimani. The NY Times ran the Russian bounty story in July without citing any sources. After everyone associated with the CIA, FBI, NSA, and any other alphabet agency denied that there was any reliable intelligence to support the theory, the Times issued a lukewarm retraction asking people to wait for more facts to come out before rushing to judgement and 3 CNN reporters that worked on the story were let go. It has been accepted as a theory with no basis in fact, but that hasn't stopped both Biden and Harris using it to attack Trump for his failure to protect the troops. Then we find out that Soleimani paid bounties to the Taliban for attacking US troops and this is one of the reasons the drone strike was ordered. Harris attacks Trump for that decision as well. Many people will look at this and wonder which way Biden and Harris want it. Was Trump wrong for not responding to bounties on American troops or was he wrong for responding to bounties on American troops? You can't have it both ways and to criticize him for both failing to protect the troops and protecting the troops in the same debate makes them look bad and Trump look good. This same biased standard is also apparent in the "troops are losers" story. In this story, that appeared in the Atlantic, "according to four people with firsthand knowledge of the discussion that day." Trump made disparaging comments about the troops. The extensive article never names the sources and several people that were with Trump on the day in question, including John Bolton, have denied the report on the record, but apparently the anonymous sources are more credible because Biden regularly uses the story to attack Trump. 

I could probably write on this point alone for days but we will keep it moving with just those examples.

2. Trump was impeached for obvious political reasons

The impeachment was a huge miscalculation for the Democratic Party. The House investigation never showed evidence of anything remotely impeachable. The couldn't even find a single witness that would say a quid pro quo was in place. The vote was strictly party lines. Even the Clinton impeachment had 31 Democrats cross the aisle. Pelosi couldn't get a single one. The trial in the Senate was a waste of time and everyone knew it. All it did was give Trump more support for his fake news, they are out to get me message. The was no direct evidence a quid pro quo existed. Even assuming there was one, there were legal arguments that could be made that it was within the Executive's branch power to do so. The whole thing was a political stunt that energized Trump's base and helped him more than hurt him.

3. Biden is a terrible candidate

If Mayor Pete was the nominee, I think Trump would lose. If Bernie was the nominee, I would put money on him. If Klobuchar was the nominee, I would be a lot less sure Trump was going to win. Instead, the DNC decided that 78 year old Biden is the face of the party. The party of social justice and diversity nominated an old white guy to run against an old white guy. His message of change after almost 50 years in government rings hollow. He has a record that is questionable. The voters have rejected him twice. The only possible worse choice the DNC could of made was letting Hillary run again. They picked the worst of the bunch and set him up for failure. Mayor Pete would of negated the outsider advantage of Trump, Bernie would of energized the base, Klobuchar was not an old white guy. Instead, they picked a nominee that checked none of the boxes but had "done his time" and "earned his turn."

If you read the whole blog, thank you. I would like to take a brief moment to encourage everyone to go vote. It's your right and if you don't you can't complain about what the government does. Stay safe and have a great day.


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