Debate Review 10/22/2020
This was a much better debate from both candidates. The interrupting from the candidates was minimal and we actually heard some policy instead of name calling and talking over each other. Biden opened up strong with several good points regarding Trump's tax returns and good one liners. "Blue state and Red states are all the United States." was a great line and should be in a campaign commercial by tonight. Aftet that, Trump stole the show and dragged Biden all over the stage. Biden can't get out of his own way. He reference the Russia Bounty report from the New York Times that has been retracted due to being false. He blamed Hunter's laptop on the Russians, despite the FBI and DNI stating that there is no evidence it is a Russian plant. He flat out denied that Hunter received money from China or Russia, both are documented as fact. Now, I'm not saying that there was anything improper occurred because it's possible that it was all legal and had nothing to do with Joe Biden being Vice President at the time. I'm saying to flat out deny that it happened is an interesting approach when it's been proven that it did. Biden's approach to any accusation seemed to be deny, deny, deny and I don't think people will believe it.
Overall, Trump did a much better job paying attention to what Biden was saying and attacking him on it as opposed to the last debate, where he just ignored Biden and said what he wanted to say. The highlight of the debate was when the moderator asked Biden for a response and he said "Republican Congress" followed by awkward silence until Trump says "You have to talk them into it, Joe". It was by far the best line of the night.
Now I got a couple soapboxes. First, the media. How can anyone take anything that the media says seriously? I have been flipping between Fox News and MSNBC for post debate coverage and the bias is horrible. Fox News has not fact checked a single thing that Trump said, MSNBC has not fact checked a single thing Biden said. Both networks are reaching for reasons to say Biden/Trump lied. It's a shit show. There is no news anymore, just opinion. MSNBC went so far as to say Trump lied about the timetable on the vaccine and used the head of the CDC's guess as fact. In the clip that they showed from the doctor's congressional testimony the doctor says " I think we are looking at 2nd or 3rd quarter of 2021." Trump said, during the debate, that he disagrees with some of the doctors on the timeline. I'm not saying Trump was right and the doctor is wrong, I'm just saying it was a stretch to call Trump's statement false because a doctor "thinks" that the timeline is different. The bias is just as bad at Fox News. They consistently praised Trump, criticized Biden and treated ongoing investigations as fact. There is no good news anymore. Your better off searching on Google and reading multiple sources and hoping you can discern the truth from the bias of the source. Second, the two party system. The system is broken. For the fifth time since I turned 18, (yes I'm old) I am presented two bad choices. Trump is a Democrat. The Democrats, at a national level, are socialists. There is no good choice. You could argue that Biden, who lost the debate, would be a better President than Trump. I don't agree with his policies, but the system is so broken, he would probably be a more effective President just because he is better at backroom politics where things get done. That is why I will be voting 3rd party this election and encourage everyone reading this to do the same. Washington, DC does not understand America. No one in politics above the state level, at best, cares about you. They care about reelection and campaign donations. If you want change, be the change. In Iowa, we have had 3 Senators in my lifetime. That is a problem that will not be fixed until the two party system ends. I listen to people from both sides complain about how Washington doesn't represent their views. That fact will never change until we make it change. Vote Jo. Send the establishment a message and hold them accountable.
In closing, whether you vote Trump, Biden, or Jorgensen go vote. If you don't agree with me? Go vote for Biden or Trump. If you agree? Go vote for Jo. If you think everyone is bad, go vote, write yourself in and take a picture of the ballot. Then you can tell your grandkids you received a vote in the 2020 election for President. Any which way you cut it, go vote. Stay safe and GO HAWKEYES!!!
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