The greatest robbery ever.
One of my favorite podcasts, Hard Factor News, had Representative Ken Buck on for a great interview Thursday. One of the topics addressed was the fact that Congress hasn't passed a police reform bill, a COVID relief bill, or any meaningful legislation lately. Representative Buck informed the listeners that nothing would be passed this year because it's an election year. (You can listen here) This is a problem. Every single person in Congress make $174,000 a year. That's salary. That does not include insurance, pension, security, staffers, or any of the other fringe benefits. To keep this blog simple, I'm going to ignore all the extra benefits and focus on salary. There are 535 members of Congress. That is $93,090,000 a year that taxpayers are funding just to make payroll for Congress. Again, keeping things simple, I'm going to use a 40 hour work week and assume 50 weeks a year of work. That's 2000 work hours a year. So, taxpayers are paying each member of Congress $87 per hour worked based on an average work schedule. (I understand that Congress doesn't actually work 50 weeks a year or 40 hours a week but that's a topic for another day.) So, according to a sitting US Representative, we, the taxpayers, will be paying all 535 members of Congress $87/hr for the next 10 weeks to not do anything. $87 x 40 hrs x 10 weeks x 535 members = $18,618,000. 18 MILLION DOLLARS FOR ZERO WORK. We live in a parody world where the workers (Congress) are in charge of payroll and they keep giving themselves more money no matter what the job performance is. 18 million dollars for no results. American government at it's finest. Vote out every single person currently up for reelection in Congress. The government is broken. Can you imagine telling your boss that your not going to work for the next ten weeks but still expect your paycheck? That's what Congress is telling the American taxpayer. Fire all of them, they are robbing us blind.
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