The two party system is broken.

 So I had a fan message me and ask me a question. The question was "Who should I vote for?" My answer? Not Biden. The election before that the answer was not Hillary. The one before that? Not Obama. The one before that? Not Obama. The one before that? Not Kerry. That brought me to the realization that every presidential election I have voted in I was voting against someone, not for someone. Counting 2020, I have been eligible to vote in 5 presidential elections and I have yet to vote for someone I like. That is a little depressing. I wasn't a big George W. guy, but he was better than Kerry who flipped more than a fish out of water. I didn't really like either of the guys that ran against Obama, but I have to much knowledge of how Chicago works to ever vote for anyone that comes outta that mess. I didn't vote for Trump in the primary 2016, but was not going to vote for Hillary ever. The only reason Hillary isn't the undisputed worst presidential nominee in my lifetime is because the DNC followed her with Biden. The point of that whole rambling explanation was I have never had the opportunity to vote for someone I thought would make a good president. I just always ended up picking someone I didn't think was great but was the lesser of two evils. That is not how this is supposed to work. The two party system is broken. The parties spend all their time fighting with each other instead of making America a better place. The problem is most evident in the presidential nominees where it feels like every election I walk into the booth and have two options in front of me. Would you like to be raped with lube or without? That's the choices. There are no good choices, just worse and worser. The problem is evident in Congress as well. This article is from February. At that time there were 395 bills that the House had passed and the Senate refused to act on. Their is blame to go around on both sides here. The Democrat controlled House uses it majority to pass bills that will never get passed in the Republican controlled Senate. The Democrats then blame the Senate for not doing anything while Republicans blame the House for not negotiating. In the end, its the American people getting screwed, as they are paying $1,790,192.30 per week (not counting aides, staffers, or security) for Congress to not do anything but talk about how bad the opposing party is. It's a joke. I'm kinda like a guy looking at the controls at a nuclear power facility while the display says error. I can tell you it ain't working, but I don't know how to fix it. The same thing applies to the two party system, I can tell you it's broken, I just don't know how to fix it. Stay safe everyone, don't watch the news, and Go Cubs Go.                  


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