The idiots are everywhere.
People are all being idiots and I'm pretty much over it. A 17 year old who shot 3 rioters in self defense is a demon to the left and a hero to the right. A man with an active felony arrest warrant is called an innocent victim by the left. The right refuses to acknowledge that the system may be broken because the guy had a warrant. Everyone is coming unglued and drawing lines and refusing to back off their positions. There is no room for discussion and a complete disregard for facts that don't fit whatever narrative they want to push. Congress is a joke, getting paid $255,000 a day to do nothing that is relevant. Athletes are using their platform and getting mocked for doing not enough or doing too much. People are screaming "protest peacefully" and then mocking those that do. The blue checkmark brigade is out in full force and they are all stupid. The problem is cops getting put in shitty situations with no good choices and then getting arm chair quarterbacked by idiots who have never been in their shoes. The problem is people only listening to CNN or Fox News and drinking the koolaid. The problem is people actively participating in a armed mob intent on destruction being called civil rights protesters. The problem is the same morons that gave a 17 year old a gun and put him in a situation with no good outcomes are the ones that were saying parents should keep their ANTIFA kids at home in the basement. The same people who are asking why a 17 y/o was there and where were his parents are the same ones that pack their kids a lunch and tell em to wear a mask as they send them out to burn down a city. The same people screaming about why were militias there protecting property are the same ones packing molotovs, baseball bats, bricks, and guns to destroy property. The same ones yelling about stopping the riots are participating in actions that make them worse. The problem is a Speaker of the House giving an interview about whether or not Biden should debate Trump while America burns. The problem is career politicians worried about reelection and getting paid instead of their constituents.
Everyone just needs to realize Anthony Rizzo was spot on when he said "Politicians don't give a fuck about us" and fight the system instead of each other. Burning down other people's property is not fighting the system. I don't have all the answers, I'm not that smart. I do have a few ideas. Stop watching the news. Fox/CNN and all the other talking heads have no interest in reporting facts, just pushing agendas. Stop voting for incumbents in Congress. Vote them all out. 50 years in Congress is way too long, 10 years is too long. Vote for every office on the ballot. Government is so much bigger than the President. Above all, listen to other people, respect opposing views, and make sure you are basing your opinions on all the facts, not just the ones you like.
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