The idiots are everywhere.
People are all being idiots and I'm pretty much over it. A 17 year old who shot 3 rioters in self defense is a demon to the left and a hero to the right. A man with an active felony arrest warrant is called an innocent victim by the left. The right refuses to acknowledge that the system may be broken because the guy had a warrant. Everyone is coming unglued and drawing lines and refusing to back off their positions. There is no room for discussion and a complete disregard for facts that don't fit whatever narrative they want to push. Congress is a joke, getting paid $255,000 a day to do nothing that is relevant. Athletes are using their platform and getting mocked for doing not enough or doing too much. People are screaming "protest peacefully" and then mocking those that do. The blue checkmark brigade is out in full force and they are all stupid. The problem is cops getting put in shitty situations with no good choices and then getting arm chair quarterbacked by idio...