
Showing posts from August, 2020

The idiots are everywhere.

People are all being idiots and I'm pretty much over it. A 17 year old who shot 3 rioters in self defense is a demon to the left and a hero to the right. A man with an active felony arrest warrant is called an innocent victim by the left. The right refuses to acknowledge that the system may be broken because the guy had a warrant. Everyone is coming unglued and drawing lines and refusing to back off their positions. There is no room for discussion and a complete disregard for facts that don't fit whatever narrative they want to push. Congress is a joke, getting paid $255,000 a day to do nothing that is relevant. Athletes are using their platform and getting mocked for doing not enough or doing too much. People are screaming "protest peacefully" and then mocking those that do. The blue checkmark brigade is out in full force and they are all stupid. The problem is cops getting put in shitty situations with no good choices and then getting arm chair quarterbacked by idio...

Trading Kris Bryant.

(Disclaimer: This is a rewrite of the blog I wrote yesterday where I became irrationally triggered hearing the words "KB" and "trade" in the same sentence and unintentionally included undeserving individuals in the panic twitter crowd. I fired from the hip and missed.)  A podcast I listen to featuring a bunch of guys that are Cubs fans were discussing Kris Bryant today. The discussion eventually moved to the possibility of trading KB before the end of next season. There are two schools of thought regarding a KB trade. The first is mainly centered around front office/money concerns. I don't like this conversation because in my heart I want KB to get a bag and stay in Chicago for the next decade. However, in my head, I realize it is a conversation that needs to happen because the luxury tax and budgets are real. The second school of thought is Cubs panic twitter screaming "Trade KB now because he is batting .180"!!! These people are wrong.  Look at these...

Why does Kevin Warren have a job?

 I am aware I have been beating this drum pretty hard lately, but I am not gonna stop til this man is fired. This guy is such a joke. This man stated that it was unsafe to play college football, cancelled the season for thousands of kids, doubled down on saying it was unsafe, and then sent his kid to play college football. That alone should have him fired for being an idiot. You cannot say the risk is too great and then send your own kid to play. The kind way to look at it is that he's a hypocrite. The not so kind take is that he knows the coronavirus is not a real threat, but won't admit the season was cancelled to take away the leverage for a player's association. The one small hope I have for this situation is that the discontent seems to be spreading among the coaches, players, and staff at the B1G programs.  ESPN posted an article  about the general attitude around the B1G and it is not good.  "Been in this league for 20-plus years," a league sour...

Fire Kevin Warren. #LetThemPlay

(Disclaimer: I understand that I am biased and want football played. That being said, there has been nothing released data wise that explains why football is unsafe.) (Someone needs to give this guy the Jim Boylen clown face) B1G commissioner Kevin Warren took the cowards way out and released a statement today, refusing all questions and interview requests. This decision was made in the face of growing outcry from fans, players, player parents, and coaches for more transparency regarding the decision to cancel fall sports. Warren could of came out, made his statement, and took questions, instead he released a statement, flipped everyone the bird, and left. It a ridiculous move from a guy that knows he made a bad a call. You can read his  full statement  if you would like, I'm going to include some excerpts below. "The vote by the Big Ten Council of Presidents and Chancellors (COP/C) was overwhelmingly in support of postponing fall sports and will not be revisited....

Google and contact tracing.

 Big brother is here folks. Google has now installed contact tracing technology on all Android devices. It's located under Settings in Google settings on all Android phones.  You can read Google's explanation  here . Basically, your phone will talk, through bluetooth connection, to all other phones within bluetooth range and record who you have been around. The phone will then check to see if any phones you have been in contact with have self reported a positive test to the app and notify you and your local public health office if you have been exposed. Sounds great, right? Nope.  First, the problems in regards to coronavirus exposure. Here is a basic summary of bluetooth range.   BLUETOOTH V2.1 BLUETOOTH 4.0 (LE)  BLUETOOTH 5 (LE) Range Up to 100 m Up to 100 m Up to 400 m Max range (free field) Around 100 m (class 2 outdoors) Around 100 m (outdoors) Around 1,000m (outdoors) Frequency 2.402 – 2.481 GHz 2.402 – 2.481 GHz 2.402 - 2.481 GHz Max dat...

The two party system is broken.

 So I had a fan message me and ask me a question. The question was "Who should I vote for?" My answer? Not Biden. The election before that the answer was not Hillary. The one before that? Not Obama. The one before that? Not Obama. The one before that? Not Kerry. That brought me to the realization that every presidential election I have voted in I was voting against someone, not for someone. Counting 2020, I have been eligible to vote in 5 presidential elections and I have yet to vote for someone I like. That is a little depressing. I wasn't a big George W. guy, but he was better than Kerry who flipped more than a fish out of water. I didn't really like either of the guys that ran against Obama, but I have to much knowledge of how Chicago works to ever vote for anyone that comes outta that mess. I didn't vote for Trump in the primary 2016, but was not going to vote for Hillary ever. The only reason Hillary isn't the undisputed worst presidential nominee in my l...

B1G has cancelled football.

 The B1G and PAC 12 have cancelled fall sports.  Here  is the B1G official statement. I have been thinking about this and getting steadily more upset ever since 1:45 PM. This is horrible. I have avoided really shitting on the COVID-19 media coverage too much because I didn't want to deal with the trolling and "yOu THinK cOroNavIruS iS faKe IF yOu qUEstioN anYthIng!" crowd. I am done. Bring on the trolls. This decision has nothing to do with the coronavirus. The B1G, as a whole, is not concerned about player safety per coronavirus. Nothing has changed in the overall COVID-19 numbers between when they announced the season schedule and when they cancelled. The schedule was announced August 5. Per the  CDC report release July 31  hospitalization rate was 130.1 per 100,000 and mortality rate was 8.4% if you include pneumonia, influenza, and COVID-19 deaths. The  report released August 7   has hospitalization at 137.6 per 100,000 and mortality rate at 7.8% i...

Why can't college football get it together?

 Ok, so unless you have been living under a rock you are probably aware of some football drama going on. The B1G has cancelled their season or maybe they didn't. Wait, actually they want everyone to cancel. No, that's not right. Actually, there has been no decision made. Scratch that, actually it's cancelled and Michigan players have been told to clean out their lockers. None of the previous statements have been confirmed or denied. No one knows what is actually happening. I'm going low tech and quick tonight so I'm not gonna screenshot a the million tweets that are out there, but the news is all over the spectrum. Multiple reporters are claiming they have sources that B1G voted to cancel the season 12-2 with only Iowa and Nebraska opposing. Then my personal fan favorite, Pete Thamel, got off his "I hate football and want the world to burn" soapbox to report that a spokesperson for the B1G says there was no vote. Rumors say Iowa and Nebraska are in talks t...

Two very different attitudes.

It may come as a surprise to people that only know me from this blog, but I am generally an optimistic person. Despite the idiocy prevalent throughout the media and anyone in DC, I firmly believe things will be ok in the end. I like to think most people feel this way, but there are some people that just want to watch it all burn down. I have previously wrote about Pete Thamel and his idiotic article full of supposition and anonymous "sources" that he may or may not of made up. Ol' Pete is back at again today with this tweet:  I hate this. Name the source or take it down. Even his wording, "to make that decision today" implies that football will be cancelled even if it doesn't happen today. Pat Forde also got in on the action. At least Pat had the decency to just tweet a quote without spin on it, but still name your source or shut up. These guys are making bank by fear mongering and hoping the world burns. On the other side of the coin...

Polls are dumb.

I stumbled across this gem on Twitter today.  No link. No supporting data. Just a side note that it's from BerkeleyISG. Now, I don't think anyone will claim Berkeley is an unbiased organization so I fired up the google. I found the  poll referenced  in the above tweet and took a look at it. This is the breakdown of respondents to their online poll and how they voted. Some takeaways here in relation to polls being stupid. There were 100 respondents. One hundred. They were also all from California, a state that leans left. Of these 100 people, 48 identified as Democrats to only 26 Republican. 41 identified as Liberal to only 28 Conservative. 71 were from Coastal counties (historically more left leaning) vs 29 from the more historically right leaning inland counties. Almost half were from San Francisco or LA. This poll had a predetermined outcome. Biden was going to come out ahead by no less than 25 points. It's also irrelevant. The Democrats could no...

The National Anthem and hypocrisy.

This blog was inspired by a recent episode  of The Sky is Falling podcast. (Great podcast by the way.) Cody made the following statement regarding the National Anthem, "If you want to kneel, kneel. If you want to stand, stand. I don't know how else to say it." This is perfect. The blatant attempts by the media (both left and right) to paint everything black and white are ridiculous. You are either on the right side or the wrong one. No one will admit that there is a middle ground. I'm on the fence as to which side is worse. The talking heads on Fox News screaming about kneeling being unpatriotic and disrespectful are idiots, but I'm going to have to give the idiot award to the left this time. Full disclaimer before I move forward. I don't agree with kneeling for the anthem, but as a decent human being I can understand why it's happening and will not be boycotting sports because athletes kneel. I also support police reform. The system is broke and I don...