Don't drink the koolaid, pt. 2
The level of koolaid drinking has reached an absolutely ridiculous level. I will forewarn the readers, this is a shit on CNN blog. This article was posted yesterday. It includes several statements portrayed as facts that are not facts. The opening paragraph is great. "Reports that the Russians bribed the Taliban with bounties for killing US service members were stunning -- and not just because of the alleged targeting of American soldiers, but because the Trump administration apparently did nothing to retaliate against Russia." Did anyone with half a brain read this before they hit publish? John Bolton says it is unverified intelligence. There is not a single person in Washington willing to go on record saying that Russia offered bounties on US troops. It is an unverified, uncorroborated, report that the New York Times ran as fact. The actual fact that no one is confirming that this happened is apparently lost on CNN. Instead, they use a completely unverified, unsourced story to somehow justify needing to see the President's tax records? What happened to standards in reporting? What happened to reporting facts? I will tell you what happened. Everyone at CNN drank the koolaid and is now willing to completely disregard any appearance of ethical, factual reporting if it means they can shit on Trump. It is almost sickening to watch. Go ahead CNN, continue to contribute to the dumbing down of America and watch Trump get reelected. People are not dumb. This article will do more to help get Trump reelected than hurt. 20% of the country believes Trump is the devil, 20% believes he is the messiah. Drinking the koolaid caters to the 20% and does nothing to appeal to the 80% of us wondering why y'all are stupid. Be smarter. Be better. The American people deserve better.
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