How to defeat President Trump in November
So I am getting unnecessarily angry about things on social media today and have decided to give my friends on the left some advice. I may be off on my percentages, but I would say roughly 30% of the country drinks the CNN flavored kool-aid, 30% drinks the Fox News flavored kool-aid, and the other 60% are somewhere in the middle ground. This election rides on that middle 60%. People on the left (and right, although I am mostly ignoring the right in this blog) need to appeal to that middle 60%. (Disclaimer: I understand I am using oversimplified numbers and most of the 60% leans one way or the other but, I don't like math so we going simple for this one.) Here is my advice, as one of the right leaning members of the 60%.
1. Stop using CNN talking points. (Fox News is just as bad, but this a blog about the left.) CNN is a biased source and I have previously blogged about at least two times that they provide sources for their material that contradicts what the article says. Most of the 60% will automatically disregard anything from CNN. This does more to help the President than hurt him.
2. Use Google. It is a powerful thing. Accept nothing and question everything. The most telling recent example is someone asked "Why weren't the Michigan protesters arrested because they broke the law by bringing firearms into a federal building?" The answer? They weren't in a federal building and were complying with state law. This link is an article that explains it. Took 30 seconds to find. My point here is double check yourself before posting. Don't assume because the news said it that it's true.
3. Discuss actual policy disagreements. Don't resort to screaming "Trump is a fascist!" (he's not) or "Trump is racist" (again, not true). Explain why you disagree with his immigration policies. Explain why you think he is abusing power. And again, use Google. Truth is powerful. Don't make up things to support your view, find the facts that support your view.
4. Drop the Russian collusion bullshit. The entire investigation was predicated on the FBI lying to the FISA court to obtain warrants. This is not right wing conspiracy. This is fact that has been documented in court and IG findings. The IG found that a FBI deliberately changed an email that exonerated Carter Page so that they could continue surveillance. It's time to let this one go.
5. Stop the hate and stop belittling people just because they currently support Trump. This country needs open and honest discussion, not name calling and petty insults. People that are against Trump aren't all communists and people that are for Trump aren't all racists. There is middle ground. (Disclaimer: I understand that this applies to the right as well but, as previously stated, this a blog about the left.)
These are five simple steps that will drastically improve the chances that Trump is not president in 2021. Just step back from the "Orange Man Bad" narrative and have honest, open conversations about policy disagreements. I realize that this will not apply to the 30% that drink the CNN flavored kool-aid or the 30% that drink the Fox News flavored kool-aid, but it will appeal to the middle 60% and that is where this election will be decided.
Stay safe everyone, listen to the CDC, wash your hands, and let's watch some college football this fall.
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