Why this sucks and why it's ok
So... I'm sitting here after x amount of beers and a fire and I realize that this sucks. The lockdown. The rona. The fact that no one knows shit about fuck. It all sucks. My mom, my brother, and me, (along with various other people) have had Tuesday night fires at the homeplace fairly regularly when the weather's nice. Now thats not happening and it sucks. I haven't been to see my sisters since I don't know when and it sucks. I haven't seen my grandma face to face in five weeks even though she lives 15 minutes away and it sucks. I bought the same grandma lunch and left it at her door and then called her to let her know it was there and that sucks. It all fucking sucks. But we will get through this. We will be okay. The world may burn down around us but we will be okay. We have faith, we have hope, we have optimism. We know that we are better than this. We know that the news lies and we are better than what they say. We know that there is an end to the tunnel. We know, that as people are losing money, sleep, and sanity, that there is an end and we will come out the other side. We know that as a country we are better than this. We know that despite what idiot politicians say, we are one country. We know that what doesn't kill us makes us stronger and while this may kill some of us it won't kill the USA and we will be stronger in the end. As a write this with tears in my eyes, I know we will be ok on the other side, but I also know that it sucks right now and that's ok. Just let me watch the Hawks take the field on Saturdays in September so I know that life is good again.
Great piece