I don't like people.
Here we go folks, day whatever of this mess. I am probaly not gonna be quite as humourous today because I am pretty much sick of media. No one knows anything (See No one knows shit about fuck, Parts 1-4) and people are constantly acting like they do. For example, headline says 2.7 million people in New York have had the coronavirus and recovered. That would be great news. Then you read the article and find out the 2.7 million number is based off testing 3000 people. Not only that, the test is still expiramental. So over/under 2 million on the 2.7 million guess? It's kinda disheartening to see a positive headline backed up by blatant bullshit. Then we have this brilliant piece.
Before I destroy this guy, I want to credit him with making several good points. That being said this article sucks. His first point is that the projected deaths in the models have dropped drastically. No shit, Sherlock. Kinda hard to spread a virus when you don't go within 6 feet of one another. His 2nd point was that the model numbers dropping were not due to social distancing because social distancing measures were included in the models. I have heard this several times and seen no proof to back it up. I mean if this is true at least throw us a link. His third point, The per capita infection and death rates and dates of lockdown in various states confirm our questioning of not only one-lockdown-fits-all policies, but also the effectiveness of lockdowns themselves. He gets a half point here because one lock down fits all does not work and that's why President Trump left the decisions on state level from the get go. The second part is a ridiculous statement. If you have any doubts just check out Iowa's cases in places without social distancing (nursing homes/meat packing plants) vs the rest of the state. The only counties in the state with more than 100 cases have outbreaks in either nursing homes or packing plants. Social distancing measures are helping. You can argue how far the government went and if maybe they did too much, but to say it was 100% unnecessary defies logic. His fourth point cites two studies out of California that tested 3,000 people and made assumptions for 400,000. Ask Hillary how that works in general. In specific to these studies and the one New York, their testing was heavily weighted towards people that were not staying at home and had a high likelihood of being exposed. Testing a more representative sample would most likely push those numbers down or maybe I'm wrong and it wouldn't. The point is we just don't know, and making blanket statements based off limited data helps no one. His fifth point completely disregards the fact that schools were not closed because of kids getting sick. They were closed because of the number of people that need to be in close contact with each other to run a school. Points 6 through 8 are all solid arguments but based on faulty facts presented in 1 through 5. Sorry this read was a little more dry but idiots are becoming dangerously close to no longer being amusing. In short, be better people because watching the Hawks play football inside during January will not be the same.
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