Covidiots, Part 3
Ok everybody, is it just me or is the level of stupidity getting exhausting to watch? Like does anyone else's brain hurt just observing the idiocy that is the news every day? I know mine does. I have given up on the idea of a covidiot tournament because I dont have the time to do a 132 entry tournament. Its ridiculous. Here we go with the latest winners.
Vice President Mike Pence
Dude, wear a mask. I know your getting tested and whatnot, but have an understanding of optics. It's a bad look, regardless of anything else. You look dumb. Clean it up.
The urgent care docs from California
These two geniuses decided California should reopen. They made their decision nased on solid medical facts...... wait. They made their decision based on flawed data that has been condemned by every other medical professional to ever exist including Socrates. Bad info is a problem because no one knows shit about fuck and pretending you do is ridiculous. Give yer balls a tug.
Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds
Overall I like her decisions, but this half ass resturaunt/retail opening but maybe not thing? It's a joke. Give us something real. Shut it down or open it up. Pick one. This half ass shit accomplishes nothing but bad poll numbers and confusion in the general public.
Models (the predictive kind not the hot chick kind)
These are such a joke. The main one from Washington has projected numbers as high as 2.2 million dead down to 60,000 and back up to 75,000. Iowa's own extra special model projects that if we lift social distancing measures somewhere between 150 people and 15 million people will die. We don't know enough to have an accurate model. Might as well throw darts at a wall and base your predictions on that. These are a joke and pretending otherwise is dumb.
Thats all I have the brain power for, can't handle anymore stupid. Stay home, wash your hands, and listen to the CDC because if sports aren't back soon everyone's brains will self destruct from the sheer level of stupid they are currently exposed too.
I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say that those ER just might be on to something. Take Obama's recent golf outing for example:
ReplyDeleteOr the fact that the Mayor of Chicago can get her cut because hygiene.
Or perhaps the mystery surrounding Gov Pritzker's wife. She is rumored to be in FL right about now. He didn't confirm this during a recent press conference, but he didn't deny it either.
Makes me think there is some truth to the ER doctors claims after all. Especially when some of us can't go to a Dentist, a Doctors office, or schedule a much needed surgery right now. Sure, we can get prescribed another antibiotic and hope our fucking tooth didn't fall out before then.
Gonna wash my hands, take the CDC recommendations under considerations and do more than consider taking up day drinking because UFO's REALLY are a thing and no good one cares.