The idiocy of left vs right
Okay folks, here we are again watching the madness that is our current national media/political stage. This is the current equation that is governing national policy. Extreme left ideology plus extreme right ideology equals nothing really changes. This is our current reality. I am going to be taking shots at both sides today so if you don't like the first half keep reading to the second half. This extreme left vs extreme right is ruining everything. I'm going to take police reform as the example for this blog. I want to stary by emphasizing that there is a need for police reform. Spend a half hour on google or read my blog about the Minneapolis PD and that's obvious. That being said, here we go on why all y'all are screwing it up.
We will take on the hard right first. Stop bringing up the number of white people killed by cops. It's largely irrelevant to the current conversation and, to the point that it is relevant, saying innocent white people get killed too is actually an argument for reform. Next, stop bringing up the other supposed problems in the black community. I'm not saying the lack of family units and/or positive male role models does or doesn't contribute to the problem, but it doesn't matter either way. This is a discusion about police reform, not the influence of 2 parent homes on society. Just stop.
Now, the hard left. Stop screaming to defund the police. We live in a society where people will break the law and we need someone to enforce it. Saying that we need mental health specialists and tow truck drivers instead of cops is pie in the sky delusion. You send a mental health specialist and a tow truck driver to deal with a guy willing to box cops when its 4 cops vs him? You get 2 dead people at worst and 2 victims of assault at best. Armed cops are necessary. Also, demilitarization is not the answer and isn't going to happen. Ever read about the bank robbers of the early 1900's? They were successful because they had better weaponry than the cops. John Dillinger robbed two police stations in his career because the cops had 6 shot .38's and Dillinger had submachine guns. You take away the cops superior or equal firepower and the criminals (white, black, orange, and purple) have free reign. Demilitarization or disbanding is not the answer. One last shot here, you cannot abolish qualitative immunity and have an effective police force. The concept definitely needs to be revisted and reformed, but you have to offer cops some peotection.
The point of this whole blog is everyone needs to take a deep breath and understand there is a middle ground. If meaningful change is going to take place, there has to be civil discord and discussion. There are good, middle of the road ideas out there. The national registry for cops that use excessive force? A great idea being drowned out by the idiocy from both sides. You want reform? The right needs to admit there is a problem and the left needs to admit cops are necessary.
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