Why I need Sports

Why I need sports

So this is a blog about why I need sports. I have a boat race blog planned but am waiting for the video release before I do it.

First, I understand that there are more important things than sports right now.  Shout out to the doctors, nurses, grocery workers, EMTs, truckers, mechanics, and everyone else keeping us going right now. That being said I need sports. The reasoning behind this is best summed up by Coach Kirk. "If we don't have college football there are bigger problems to worry about." 

This sums up my feelings perfectly. My need for sports is definitely second to me wanting people to be safe. I feel having sports is a benchmark. If I can watch the black and gold take the field in September that means we, as a nation, are ok. It means we have defeated the invisible enemy and life is approaching normal again. Having sports again is a symbol of victory. Having sports means we no longer need to be scared of visiting Grandma. There is a long standing tradition in my family of Peeps for Easter. This was started by my Grandpa Ray (RIP). This Easter, instead of having Peeps with my grandma, I left a box outside her door and called her to tell her to open her door after I was back in my car outside her apartment building. Having sports means America will no longer have to do shit like this. Sports means we have won. The curve is flat. Simply watching a kickoff means the battle is over. This is why I need sports. Not so much for the gambling, arguments, and fun debates over who is number one, but for the symbolism. If we have sports we have won. If I can watch the College Football Show Saturday morning and then watch the black and gold then everything is right with the world again. It means life is back to normal. For the love of all that is holy let's beat this thing. Stay home as much as you can, wash your hands, and listen to anything that follows "The CDC recommends", please, because if I don't have ANF weekend this year, I may never recover.


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