No one knows shit about fuck

So this is my first blog so feedback is welcome. 

I'm starting out with the hot topic of the day COVID-19, the China virus, the Kung Flu, the Wuhan virus, the great pandemic of our time.

This is the biggest thing to hit the ol' red, white, and blue since 9/11 and with that we have experts. We have epidemiologists, cardiovascular specialists, respiratory specialists, infectious disease experts and every other MD, PHD, internet guru, and politicians telling us what to do and how to stop it. The problem with all these experts? No one knows shit about fuck. You can read 3 articles, articles not opinion columns, on your website of choice, be it CNN, MSNBC, Fox News, or Yahoo News and find out three different, contradicting facts this story is based on. It's a novel coronavirus folks, that means new and no one knows shit about it. Projected deaths in the US have gone from 2 million to 50,000 in three weeks and if you think it's because of social distancing I have some beachfront property in Arizona for sale. Now, I'm not saying this isn't serious because it is, I'm saying no one in charge has a fucking clue what's going on. Every single expert knows, at best, the same thing that anyone with the Internet does. I would be willing to bet there is someone (probaly several someone's tbh) out there bored and stuck at home who could hop on Zoom with CNN or whoever the fuck and answer the questions better than any talking head expert they pay a shit load of money to. Fuck, I could. Example:

Brooke Baldwin: When can we expect life to return to normal Dr. G?

(I'm Dr. G, and Brooke Baldwin is the first attractive anchor that came up in google search for news anchors)

Dr. G (again, that's me): Well, Brooke, current projections show a peak in most of the country early May, so hopefully by the end of May or beginning of June. I do have to remind everyone that we don't actually know and that could change anytime.

Brooke Baldwin: What should people be doing to help?

Dr. G: Well Brooke, the big thing is stay home, don't gather in groups, and blah blah blah (the same shit we been hearing for a month)....

I could go on. But for fucks sake people, the experts have been telling us the same shit for a month while constantly changing their projections and predictions all while backstopping everything with "the situation may change". The only one worth listening to is Dr. Fauci, and that is just because he ends every prediction by admitting they don't really know. I mean he doesn't give much new info but at least he isn't trying to spoon feed us bullshit like evryone else. So going forward, I need everyone to take a deep breath, calm the fuck down and accept that no one knows shit about fuck. So grab a drink, watch some Netflix, and stay home. Please just be smart because if I don't get to see the Kinnick wave in August i might drink myself to death. Stay safe everybody and feel free to send feedback.


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