No one knows shit about fuck Part 2

So this a story from Newsweek. Headline is 


You can read the article here

Now, from the headline you would assume that we are finally getting some solid research done so we can fight this thing. Scientists doing science stuff involving words I can't spell or pronounce much less define and making sure kickoff happens in August. Then we come across this gem of a quote.

Based on the data Forster and his colleagues have collected, the coronavirus outbreak appears to have started between September 13 and December 7. "This assumes a constant mutation rate, which is admittedly unlikely to be the case, and the time estimate could therefore be wrong," he told Newsweek. "But it is the best assumption we can make at the moment, pending analysis of further patient samples stored in hospitals during 2019."

(Insert slapping forhead gif of choice here cuz I need a tech guy but I'm just a mechanic doing this for shits and giggles so I cant pay one)

There's alot to unpack here. The biggest part is that the start date is apparently a 3 month window. Probaly could of got that number Family Feud style and just called 100 people and compared answers. But hey I'm not a scientist. Then the good Dr. Forster explains that the model is only good if you assume a constant mutation rate. Well, so he's saying they might be wrong but they used the most likely option right? I mean, we gotta be talking at least 80% chance they got it right if it's headline news? Next line, he says that constant mutation is "admittedly unlikely". Translation, they used a bunch of made up numbers multiplied by another number they knew was wrong to project a start date that they know is wrong and proceeded to publish a news article with a bullshit headline to generate clicks. So..... no one knows shit about fuck. They are literally making shit up to write articles about because no one knows anything. Quit reading the news folks, stay home as much as possible, wash your hands, and listen to anything following the words "The CDC recommends" because Coach Kirk doesn't know anything but football and we can't let him be stuck at home come September. He will lose his shit worse than me.


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