Is Uncle Joe in trouble?

Ok, so I try to avoid picking sides on this blog but this seems kinda serious. I'm also going to use this opportunity to make fun of the media, as I tend to do. That being said, I think Biden maybe in trouble here. This doesn't seem to be going away and for some reason people care more about this than the fact Biden abused his position to make millions of dollars. But I digress. To sum up the political side of it, Biden is in trouble and this might cost him the election in turn bringing about a brokered convention in Milwaukee. Ok, enough politics now onto the making fun of the media part, which is why I hope most of you read this anyway. The media is fucked. CNN, Fox News, MSNBC, all of them. They are all dumber than a fence post. You could seriously get better information sitting next to a fence post contemplating the universe than any so called "reporter" right now. There is no middle ground. CNN, etc. plays to the 5% of the hard left that thinks President Trump is the devil incarnate and that all Trump supporters are ignorant rednecks that can't read. (I will own the redneck side of that, but I can read.... if there is pictures) Fox News plays to the 5% that think President Trump is the savior of our country and think all Democrats are bleeding hearts that don't understand real life. There are 95% of us in the middle. 95%!!! Where's our news? Where do we get unbiased reporting that allows us to make decisions? It's not available. The media, more than the president, more than the Speaker of the House, more than the Senate Majority leader, more than any government official, is making this into an us vs them debate. No national news coverage is remotely unbiased. This story compared to the Cavanaugh story is a perfect example. According to CNN, a lady with no corrabating witnesses and a questionable timeline, is the second coming of the Virgin Mary. You cannot question her motived and she is headline news. Also according to CNN, a lady with a solid timeline and corrabating witnesses, isn't worthy of an interview. Thats fucking 10 ply bud, pull yourselves together. The fact that they refuse to even fact check this story is a travesty. And then there's Fox News (for those that thought this was a right wing blog, buckle up). These idiots immediately went about discrediting the first lady. But what if she wasn't lieing? I don't agree that she should be believed without a doubt (innocent until proven guilty and all that) but the hack job by Fox News was unnecessary. And now, the Biden accuser, getting silenced by CNN, is getting put on a hill to die by Fox News. Every single story is about how unfair the coverage is and how biased CNN is. Get off your cross for fuck's sake and report a story instead of bitching about CNN. They all piss me off. Stop watching the news folks, listen to the CDC, and wash your hands because I need football to distract me from the shitshow that is Washington and the media or I might go insane. 


  1. I've been watching this unfold, waiting to see how much evidence would come to light. Early articles on the Biden were not kind. People who were at the forefront of the Me Too movement have completely abandoned this woman. She has a story that has been fairly consistent. She has multiple witnesses that have come forward to say they were made aware of the situation shortly after it happened. Ford wrote a letter, couldn't remember important details. It was a complete shit show and it was allowed to play out. As a female (spoiler alert) I am furious at the obvious attempt at manipulation then, and the obvious cover up now.


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