So here we go folks. Newsbreak per CNN, President Trump says using disinfectents inside your body can help stop the rona. CNN automatically assumes everyone in America is as dumb as their reporters and starts issuing warnings that you shouldn't drink bleach or inject Lysol into your veins. This, in turn, triggers several companies and government organizations to issue warnings that you shouldn't ingest or inject any type of disinfectant. Um no shit? Apparently, drinking bleach is bad. I never knew. Also in things I learned today, injecting Lysol into your arm is bad. Who woulda thunk it? So, in case you haven't picked up on my hatred of all things news, let me explain why this is CNN intentionally trying to cause panic. Let's go to the quote from Trump.
"And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in a minute. One minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning. Because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs. So it would be interesting to check that. So, that, you're going to have to use medical doctors with. But it sounds -- it sounds interesting to me." Now, this is an example of President Trump going off script and not doing the best job of articulating exactly what he means. I mean, he never said Lysol or bleach at any point in that statement but he wasn't very clear what he was referencing either. I mean, a logical person would almost think he was referring to a medical procedure to disinfect the inside of your body? But no, that can't be real, the President obviously wants people to drink bleach. That's the only possible explanation.... unless you google "disinfect lungs". Then you find this gem.
Ozone therapy refers to the process of administering ozone gas into your body to treat a disease or wound.Ozone is a colorless gas made up of three atoms of oxygen (O3). It can be used to treat medical conditions by stimulating the immune system. It can also be used to disinfect and treat disease.
I mean, I'm no genius, but it almost seems like a guy with the best doctors in the country advising him might of heard about this. A little bit on how it works.
Ozone therapy works by disrupting unhealthy processes in the body. It can help stop the growth of bacteria that are harmful.
Medical ozone has been usedTrusted Source to disinfect medical supplies and treat different conditions for more than 150 years. For example, if you have an infection in your body, ozone therapy can stop it from spreading.
ResearchTrusted Source has shown ozone therapy to be effective at treating infections caused by:
- bacteria
- viruses
- fungi
- yeast
- protozoa
Ozone therapy also helps flush out infected cells. Once the body rids itself of these infected cells, it produces new, healthy ones.
Huh, almost seems like this is something that we should be checking out. CNN coulda reported that but instead just assumes that the best informed person in the world thinks people should drink bleach. To be fair, President Trump did a terrible job with his word choices and his "sarcasm" walk back was a nice dig at CNN but probaly not the best decision. But any person who can look into the camera and straight faced report on the President saying people should drink bleach isn't a reporter, they are a talking head with an agenda. And every story like this ups the odds off another 4 years with Trump, because, unlike CNN, the majority of the American people are not idiots and recognize bad reporting when they see it. Don't watch the news, stay home as much as you can, wash your hands, and follow CDC recommendations because I need to be angry at ESPN for SEC bias this fall.
P.S. here's the link for the ozone treatment, kinda interesting and also to prove I don't make shit up like "reporters at CNN, Fox News, MSNBC, OAN, and pretty much everyone except Hard Factor on the Barstool News Network.
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