Sources say Joe Biden is canceling his run for the Democratic Presidential nomination. This news breaks as Alyssa Milano withdraws support for nominee Biden over sexual assault allegations. Ms. Milano is an expert in political science with a degr.... wait that nots it. Oh yeah, she is an expert on criminal law with several years experience as a lawyer in..... nope not it either. Nevermind, everyone, you can go about your day, Biden isn't actually quitting. (Side note: If this is the first time you have read my blog and thought I actually had sources I'm sorry, if this is not your first time and you still thought I had sources, that's on you) Alyssa Milano is an actress-turned-activist (not sure who pays that salary) whose opinion doesn't really matter but continues to get space in the news cycle. She made some money reading words someone else wrote on camera and then declared herself an expert and started doing interviews. Can we stop giving these people camera time? I mean, I love DeNiro,he is a great actor, but I don't give a shit who he wants me to vote for. Being famous doesn't make you an expert on everything all of sudden so stop giving these people camera time. Maybe get a lawyer on to talk legal ramifications? Maybe get a political science major to discuss impact on voters? Maybe get someone from the DNC to explain who the next puppet is if Biden does drop out? There are literally hundreds, if not thousands, of people that can give more informed opinions than Hollywood. Give them some airtime. Wash your hands and listen to the CDC, folks, because I want to watch football and drink beer this fall.
Actors and actresses need to remember that they have absolutely no business taking any kind of moral high ground. They often glorify the things in society they claim to be fighting against. To truly make a difference they could use some of the ridiculous amount of money they "earn", or their spare time, to help people.